Lips and Arsehole

Amongst my cartoons on this site are some devoted to the illustrious Saveloy! The Sav is jokingly referred to here in Oz as being made from meat consisting only of an animals’ lips or arsehole – not the choicest cuts in other words.

My preoccupation stems from the beautifully titled and very funny, closed Facebook group: ‘Lips & Assholes: Expert Sav Commentary’.

The page’s Admin, Simon, is a professional cameraman who films footy games around Hobart and feeds himself at the footy ground canteens exclusively with saveloys. Its an old footy tradition at suburban footy grounds. NOT Hot Dogs in buns – no, no, no way! Must be a proper Lip and Arsehole prong wrapped in a slice of white bread (only), “incised” expertly down the centre and finished off with a condiment (the “sau”) of tomato sauce and /or mustard. Here’s a typical report from Simon:

Back at the real home of football No Ho O (translation: North Hobart Oval) for a very long and grammatically incorrect 6 quarter match. Good start to the season from the canteen, although I am not entirely convinced it is deliberate. This venue jumped the shark last season by trying to apply hipster gourmet standards to all food and drinks, resulting in the abysmal failure that was the Wursthaus Sav debacle of 2015.
This could in fact be one of the same. However they have cooked the wank out of it and the result is a damn tasty specimen. Lovely texture, flavour and all the other elements. Let’s hope tis not just a fluke but a sign of good smallgoods to come. 8

The ‘8’? Simon always scores each sav out of 10. The page is full of hilarious references to saveloys and the art of incision, cooking and presentation.

So I started doing cartoons for the page. An example…

And a parting shot from Simon……

Out at boot oval. Absolutely sensational day, shame to be spending it at a football match. BUT, probably worth it just to experience this majestic sav. Whilst the wife enjoys lunch at The Source, I reckon I’ve got the better meal. Braved many steps to haul myself over to Members bar (they don’t even seem to have a canteen here anymore. Good thing too). The flavour in this is extraordinary. Texture and all perfect. Applied own sau. Giving this 9 as I try regain my breath from bastard steps. Phroaaa.

For more of my Sav cartoons, go to…..

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