Category: Melbourne

Comstockery Mockery

ITALIAN NUDES BANNED 50 PRINTS SEIZED DECLARING that their subject matter is prurient, the Customs Department has seized 50 prints of a painting by the...

Scrabble babble & oodles of Doodles

Scrabble Is Latest Game Craze New York.  Right here in the middle of the television age, a parlor-game craze is sweeping America. All the wise...

Happy and Panda

Harry Montague Hammond (7 May 1916 – 1 April 1998), professionally known as Happy Hammond, was an Australian comedian, radio host and children’s television show host, and television producer....

A Pox on the Boks

Springbok Rugby Protest – 3 July 1971 I went to a lot of protests and marches as a teenager in Melbourne but none was so...

Robots and Rucks

The Mechanical Footballer Some time ago the English papers announced the invention of a “mechanical bowler.” We pursue the idea still farther. Why not have...

Bodgie, Widgie

I am just a bit too young to remember much about the Bodgies and Widgies of Melbourne. First media references I found in old newspapers...

Black Berry Wednesday

Graham Berry was a Premier of Victoria who fought against the “securely entrenched men of property” who made up the Legislative Council in the 1870s. He...

War Years Footy

LET’S LOOK AT FOOTBALL with HUGH BUGGY 1915-18 First war years PRESSURE of war almost strangled League football in 1916. The game reached the lowest point...

5th Beatle

THE LONELY WAIT It was a melancholy ex-Beatle who waited alone yesterday at Essendon Airport, Melbourne, for his plane to take him home to England....

Ladders and Snakes

  As I was born in Melbourne my pagan religion, naturally, was footy (Aussie Rules). As a 13 year old I drew this wonky picture...