Category: Psychiatric

Morphy and The Devil

Paul Morphy, born in New Orleans in 1837, is considered by many competent judges to have been the strongest chess player who ever lived. His...

You can’t kill an ideal with a bullet

To my knowledge  there has only been one significant assassination attempt on an Australian in ‘high political office’. It occurred in June 1966, when a...

Crying In The Sane

INSANITY AND TEARS One of the most curious facts connected with madness is the utter absence of tears amid the insane. Whatever the form of...

Hungarian Goulash

Everyday Signs of Incipient Madness Dr. George S. Bunn, a brain specialist, of Boston, United States, America, in a lecture recently delivered before an audience...

Fish Man

The tragic tale of a man who wanted to be a fish NOBODY knows why Neil Gordon Wilson, 49, liked to pretend to be a...