Category: Language

Telling Spelling

During my extended online trawls through old Australian newspapers, it became very noticeable that through the 19th century and up until about WW1, all of...

Word Of The Day #5

shicer noun AUSTRALIAN/NZ;  informal;  dated a worthless thing or person, especially a swindler   MINING:  an unproductive claim or mine. ….With the hot winds whirled...

Sinister Molly Dookers

Molly Dooker Being left-handed has come a long way. These days it’s even considered the sign of a creative mind. Yet so many questions about...

Word Of The Day #4

Kirked Stems from the noun ‘kirk’ which originally meant the Church Of Scotland. Presumably the article above refers to old Scottish superstitions and, in this...

Dame Slap

ASSAULT & HOSTAGES IN THE ENCHANTED WOOD Excerpts from ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton….. Let’s hope Dame Slap doesn’t catch sight of us! Every one looked...

Word Of The Day #3

hamartia noun a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a hero or heroine. (Well worn example: Achilles hamartia was his heel: As a baby,...

Long Sleever

A ‘Long Sleever’ is, in brief, an outdated Aussie term for a long draft of beer. The word ‘sleever’ itself originally referred to a Welsh measure...

Word Of The Day #2

quisling noun a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force As in…   the quisling Pig Iron Bob exported our iron to Japan synonyms:  collaborator,...

Too much of a mao-ful

China bans wordplay in attempt at pun control The Chinese State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television says: Radio and television authorities at...

Word Of The Day #1

quotidian adjective occurring daily, ordinary, mundane, commonplace, not exceptional in any way. “two quotidian political leaders; both from quotidian political parties have made the quotidian...